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dance _ choreography _ performance


A female body who tries to hide parts of herself in order to fit into predetermined spaces, roles and functions.

While hiding she is condemned to reveal something else. In this paradox she loses her identity and her humanity.

As women, we have to hide parts of ourselves in order to survive.


The woman´s body is a body that historically has to be covered or uncovered, modified and mutilated. It´s a body that belongs to predetermined space and has predetermined functions. Looking for a place to exist, women navigate through all the already existing roles and shapes that society created for us. To  do so,  hiding parts of ourselves becomes inevitable. Parts that are too much or too less, not appropriate or perceived as dangerous.

But hiding something, means also exposing something else. Choosing to hide something means revealing that choice and therefore revealing something about oneself.  And in this paradox of hiding and revealing, the lost of our identity and humanity is right behind the corner. 

How can we create an inner space where we can accept to be what we are in the moment?

A space where we don´t have to fit? A space that is flexible and fluid?
And is the stage a physical space where this can happen?

In a composition of movement improvisation and theatrical elements the performer tries to navigate on stage through the many possible answers to those questions.

 © Zé De Paiva


July 2016 - "Oito Solos+1" - Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin


Idea and choreography: Martina Garbelli

Music: Substrata, Stefano Ciardi, Doris Day

Lights: Grupo Oito

Costume: Martina Garbelli

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